#Shale villages (Aldeias de Xisto): Piódão

If Candal looks like a village of dollhouses, the village of Piódão "rests" in the Mountain of Açor and looks like a small crib! Cannot miss it!

Shale Villages - Piódão

The painted blue wood windows give an unusual and captivating coloring to the shale village. Why are the doors and windows of Piódão blue? See the answer HERE.

Shale Villages - Piódão

How to get? Where is Piódão?

Located in the mountain of Açor (center of Portugal) and it is worth every twists and curves until we get there. Is located at a distance of 199km (~123 miles) from Porto and 296km (~183 miles) from Lisbon. The best way to get there is by the highway A1, get off at Coimbra Norte, take the IP3 (direction Viseu), then the IC6 (direction Arganil / Covilhã / Oliveira do Hospital) and when it finishes continue on the N17 and go to Arganil or Coja. Then follow the signs to Piódão. You can also choose the seductive voice of the GPS and enter the following coordinates: 40º13'45.35 N - 7º49'30.65 W
Map available HERE

What to see and visit in Piódão?

- Piódão Museum or Museological Nucleus of Piódão

It's worth visiting! Next to the Mother Church and it is a small size museum that exhibits artefacts and works of art that demonstrate the way of life of the inhabitants of Piódão.

Piódão Museum

Winter schedule (1 October to 31 May): 9am to 1pm - 2pm to 5pm
Summer schedule (June 1st to September 30th): 10am to 1pm - 2pm to 6pm
Closes: does not close
Price: € 1
It also hosts the Tourist Office, where you can gather information on restaurants with tasty food, rural accommodation to wake up to the sound of the birds and pedestrian paths capable of burning all the calories “collected” during the gastronomic feasts.

- Mother Church

Access to this 18th century church is through a large schist staircase. The main altar has a gilded altarpiece (renaissance style) with the images of Our Lady of the Conception, of Saint Miguel and of Saint Sebastião.

Piódão - Mother Church

- St. Peter's Chapel and community square.

It is located at the top of the village next to the community square. It is a simple chapel of the 17th/18th century, which has in its interior an image of St. Peter of the 16th century.

Piódão - St. Peter's Chapel

What to do in Piódão?

Walking is the answer!
For the more adventurous the ideal route is the Chãs d'Éguas (4km, 1h), for the less fearless the route Foz d'Égua is more recommended. Both routes start at Largo Cónego Manuel Nogueira and then follow the directions. The shortest route to Foz d'Égua (2.8km, 45min.) is best suited for those who are not accustomed to hiking.

Shale Villages - Piódão

What to buy in Piódão?

Near the church, there are several little shops, which are a real temptation to the eyes and a constant provocation to the stomach with:
- goat's and sheep's cheeses
- liqueurs (I was surrendered to the chestnut liqueur and to the Enigma de Piódão liquor)
- honey
- sweet potato and pumpkin bread (it is a delight, you have to taste it!)
- handmade works made from shale (miniature houses, watches ...)

The only difficult is to choose!!!!!
